
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The "V-Gap" Manicure

I was browsing online today looking for awesome nail inspiration when I found the "V-Gap."  Apparently this will be a trend this fall, we shall see.  It's definitely tricky.  I saw it here and immediately tried to think of how to do this.  I decided to attempt it as a scotch tape mani.

It didn't go so well.  It looked messy.  It didn't look like the one in the picture by the professional manicurists.  I thought: maybe I should just give up, maybe this just isn't for me, maybe I picked the wrong color, I wish I would have used scotch tape rather than packing tape (I'm moving this weekend and it was the only tape I could locate), maybe I should have put another color underneath...

Negative thoughts plagued my mind.  It really didn't look that great, but that means I can DEFINITELY improve it for next time.  Next time I will pick a darker color and  try it free hand cleaning up with a small paintbrush (just like the pros in the picture).

ANYWAY, here is my first attempt at the V-Gap Manicure in Zoya Kate:)
Maybe I'll post a tutorial on how I attempted this look in a couple of days.  Let me know if you're interested!

I'm taking a day-trip into NYC tomorrow, so I will not be posting.  Hopefully I will be able to squeeze one in on Friday before I move!  Yikes, there is just to much to do!  Enjoy your evening & stay beautiful:)

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