
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Short Nails

Last week I volunteered as a camp counselor at a week long summer camp that my church [growing up] runs.  It was wonderful.  I love the nostalgia of it.  I have been going there almost every year since I was 9!

I love camp.  However, my nails never love camp.  Between swimming in a pond, playing all sorts of games, and digging for clay in a creek my nails always end up looking quite sad by the time I return home.  This year was no different.  This year was actually worse as far as wear and tear on nails.  Within hours of arriving we had to weed the beach at the pond and the sand volleyball court.  A few hours later, I ended up chopping off my nails  realizing they would not come clean.

I am not someone who "needs" to have long, nails.  My nails were actually rather short anyway.  It did make me sad however because it took me so long to grow them to their "perfect" length.  (Working at a preschool does not agree with having nails of any length)

Now I will search my stash of polish for a great color for my short nails.  What color do you like to paint your nails if/when they're short?

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