
Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday Manicure

This Monday Manicure is FULL of firsts:
  • My first time doing a Polish-aholics Anonymous Monday Manicure theme
  • My first manicure with scotch tape
  • My first manicure using decorative scissors (pinking shears)
 I think it's a pretty good first shot.  I thought that ALL of my nails might look a little crazy so I only did 3.  Not too sure I like it.  Next time I'll have to add lots of color.  Sometimes I think my nails look goofy & overwhelmed when I do nail art on all of them in lots of color.  I need to get over that.  But that's what I'm here for, learning.

Have you ever done a scotch tape mani?  What are some of your "tips"?

1 comment:

  1. You have good taste. I like your blog and so I'll follow your blog.
