
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mixing It Up!

Yes, I have done it.  One day while eyeing up an old polish, I decided to play with it rather than to throw it away.  I just went to town mixing a few different colors & polishes together.  It was fun.  Now I'm seeing why so many of you have a fascination with frankening.

I started with an old discontinued champagne colored polish with coppery flecks.  It sounds pretty, and it was at one point, until it got too gloopy to apply correctly (and yes "gloopy" is a least in my vocabulary!).  A few newer polishes added, some renewing drops, & it turned into this:
I did this out of my curiosity and creativity.  It was great.  I had fun.  I can't say that I see myself continuing to do this much, if ever again.  But it was a great way to experiment with an otherwise discarded polish that was headed for the trash.

Hope your week is going well!