
Monday, August 6, 2012

Dots of Fun...

Marta from ChitChatNails is holding a humorous contest.  Participants were asked to create a doticure (manicure with dot nail art) and take a picture.  The twist was that in your picture you had to be holding an unconventional item.

Here is my entry:
I'm holding a frozen whole chicken.  My fingers were so cold after holding this!

To check out more of these lovely manicures, click here.  While you're there, feel free to vote on your favorite doticure & your favorite object being held:)

Other shots of this manicure holding random objects...


  1. I should've participated in this challenge, I don't know where I was... lol I particularly like the photos of the zucchini and the potato as props. The spackling paste is a pretty good one too!
