
Monday, September 17, 2012

Time Warp Challenge--Day 3

Today's challenge is...
I remember when...
Personal or historical events were the inspiration and focus of this challenge.  I focused on history since I find it more fascinating than my own life:-P So many great historical events flooded my mind.  I listed and sketched so many ideas.  I ultimately landed on what I was most excited to recreate on my own nails...
October 4, 1957
The launch and orbit of Sputnik.
 I'm pretty pleased with my choice of this event and of the final product.  I think it's a pretty neat twist on a galaxy manicure:)

Polishes used: Too many:) Seriously, I don't know if I remember all of them!  Here's my best shot (not in the order applied): SinfulColors Black on Black & Nail Junkie, piCture pOlish mirage & orbit, essie Fear or Desire, and Zoya Purity

What event would you have chosen? (My other choice was the fall of the Berlin wall)


  1. I love the space nails! But it's really interesting how so many of us thought of some kind of space design xD

    1. I agree:) But they're all so different. Also, I think they all depict different events!

  2. I love this!!! Awesome twist on galaxy nails. How on earth did so many of us decide on space nails.

    1. Haha:) I guess it was the popular thing to do! They're all so good though and different too!
