
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall Favorites: Better than...


I love a good neutral, they're elegant, glamorous, and quite ladylike. However, sometimes these beauties can feel a little bit boring. I found a cure for wanting to be glamorous and everything but boring. Meet Layla Coral Glam.
Coral Glam is a hologram nail polish that is a soft, pinky-coral color. This is a neutral against my skin so I wear it as such when I want subtle color, but also want a bit of a wow factor.
I must say that this nail polish impressed me greatly. I have other "holo" nail polishes that either take forever to dry or are a royal pain to apply. This lovely was neither, it was beautiful and flawless in 2-3 coats depending on the digit. I love this polish so much, but sadly my little sister recently commandeered it when she was visiting last. It looks like I will be buying a new one:)

What's your current favorite "neutral"?

Layla, an Italian company, shares the breadth of their cosmetic products online. Their products can be purchased anywhere that Layla Cosmetics are sold. I purchased this polish from Ulta.

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